
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We are in debrief this week going over and processing how our very first month went, how our squad did and where we could improve as we go into our next month in Albania. I have personally got to process what God did personally in my life and how he moved in the ministry we got to do.

What was our ministry?

Once out of quarantine, we went immediately into evangelism. We tested negative at 3 pm and by 4 pm we were on the streets of Craiova making conversation and telling people about Jesus. I have not evangelized in a long time and even when I did it was only a handful of times back in Florida. I forgot how hard it can be. So much fear started to flood my mind and then I remembered my time in quarantine and how eager I was to have conversations. I realigned my heart back to the mission we all have. We all are called to tell the gospel. I will not let my flesh get in the way but I will be dependent on the spirit.

I now understand as I process those moments more, that it was when I completely felt inadequate, didn’t have the words, or felt rejected that I gave God all control and authority and there was breakthrough not only for myself but for the people I was talking to.

My favorite day was passing out the New Testament and talking about what they will find in this book of life! I had great conversations with many young adults in Craiova and this is the information I gathered from them. Craiova is mainly Orthodox. The church believes in Jesus but it is very strict. A lot of teachings are all on the rules and restrictions you have to follow in order for God to love you. Apparently in this area, the priests have been aggressive. Maybe this sounds familiar to you? This has led to most of the young adults to stray away from Church and God. They don’t want to be limited. They want to do what they want without feeling constantly judged. Notice the theme, it’s nothing God did, it’s how people poorly represented him. They were watching the actions of believers and turned away. I felt convicted knowing I have been in the same boat, and have poorly represented the freedom I received. THANK GOD FOR GRACE AND FOR GROWTH. We shared about freedom from sin, kindness, joy, and love that Jesus gives. We shared on grace after grace in our own lives of where we even personally have failed but were redeemed. We hung out with them at restaurants and parks and just loved them. They literally said the words, “We have never met people that are so friendly” and we were able to share our testimonies as to why we are so friendly, aka Jesus.

We evangelized for 3 weeks and kept making connections and invited them to our young adult event we were having at the end of the month! This event was to find people who were interested in being discipled by the church we partnered with. We were expecting about 20 people and 43 people came! Our host said it was the most they have ever had! I got to have very deep conversations with atheists about Jesus. They stated they don’t believe in Jesus but then asked me why I believe in Jesus and I had the opportunity to share my testimony and the life I lived with sin versus the life I received after accepting Jesus! They also asked the classic question of why people get sick. It was so clear they were hungry and curious about God. We believe scripture does not return void (Isaiah 55:11)! We believe we planted seeds and that even though we might not see the harvest, they are going to believe in Jesus and no longer be atheists!

My time in Romania was filled with stillness, boldness and obedience. Though at times I wasn’t perfect, I reflect on what I did well and what I want to do better as I step into the ministry God has for me in Albania.

6 responses to “My Time in Romania”

  1. It was absolutely awesome to read this, God is so faithful. Keep doing what you’re doing!

  2. Sav, loved reading this update! It sounds like you’re growing and being challenged in so many different ways. I love when I said “all
    I could so was go to the Lord”, it doesn’t always feel like it but it’s always the very best place to be. Peace be with you sweet friend!

  3. This is so beautiful! He is doing so much through your obedience, it’s so exciting Sav 🙂 We love the people of Romania and are praying for you !!

  4. Savanah! This is so encouraging! Yes! I can see you walking, talking and giving people Hope through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Your obedience speaks volumes. It teaches us back home that if you can show love and grace to people in a foreign land, what is our excuse?! I am sad that I am not with you this week; however, I trust that you are receiving teaching and also giving to your other squad mates. Love and blessings to you as His Spirit continues to direct your path.

  5. This sounds like the perfect ministry for your personality: talking people up and speaking life! Yes! I know you will be used more and more as the months add up for the race!